director opera performance
Don Giovanni - THE GAME
Premiere 2024 Maj
Don Giovanni - The Game takes place in a TV show universe with references to "This is your life",
"Bachelorette", "Married at First Sight", etc. inspired by Don Giovanni's lifestyle , which can be seen as a game metaphor, driven as he is by the next prize – the next conquest. Don Giovanni's type existed in 1787 as it exists today. The action in the opera is decidedly unpleasant at times, as Don Giovanni exploits and even rapes the women who are drawn into his seductive web. In this version, unlike the classical opera, these women get speaking time. We get an insight into the consequences for the women and experience their reaction to Don Giovanni's escapades. Both in spoken lines, but also via the live cinema cameras and screens, which, as in all other reality shows, are an important part of the story's development. And as in real-life #metoo stories, the dilemma arises: Should Don Giovanni be punished or forgiven? And by whom? Among others - The Audience! With an issued "Heaven or Hell" card, the audiences are allowed to decide on Don Giovanni's fate when he is put on stage and faces the judgment of the people - the audience !
e"n vedkommende udgave at en af operalitteraturens mesterværker. Det er blevet totalteater i bedste commedia del arte stil. Der synges og musiceres så det er en nydelse, og det anes at de også selv kan lide det, de laver!" operaen-i-midten/
Herning Folkeblad
"en sanselig og udfordrende forestilling, som stiller krav, men som også giver meget igen - hvis man giver sig hen, ja nærmest lader sig forføre"
Don Giovanni: William Jønch Pedersen Donna Anna: Signe Sneh Durholm
Don Ottavio: Petter Wulfsberg
Donna Elvira: Camilla Button Leporello: Mikkel Baungaard Thomsen Masetto: Martin Møller Vilbrand Zerlina: Mariann Mikkelsen
Komponist: Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Libretto: Lorenzo da Ponte
Fløjte: Charlotte Norholt Obo: Peter Kirstein
Klarinet: Tommaso Lonquich Fagot: Yavor Petkov
Horn: Neil Page
Violin: Tue Lautrup
Bratsch: Sanna Ripatti
Cello: Jonathan Slaato Klaver: Martin Quist Hansen
Støttet af
William Demant Fonden
Aage og Johanne Louis-Hansens Fond Færch Fonden
Statens Kunstfond
Augustinus Fonden